everyday is Ashura every land is Karbala
Feb, 5 20256 Shabaan 1446



الهِدايَةُ العامَّةُ / General guidance

1ـ الإمامُ الصّادقُ (عَلَيهِ الّسَلامُ) ـ في قولِهِ عَزَّوجلَّ: «إنّا هَدَيْناهُ السَّبيلَ ...» ـ: عَرَّفناهُ إمّا آخِذاً وإمّا تارِكاً.
1– Imam al-Sadiq (AS), with regard to Allah’s verse in the Qur’an: "Indeed We have guided him to the way, be he grateful or ungrateful"
[Qur’an 20:50] said, ‘We made them know it
[i.e. the right way], they can either take it or leave it.’
[Bihar al-Anwar, v. 5, p. 196, no. 4]



3ـ رُويَ أنّ داوودَ (عَلَيهِ الّسَلامُ) خَرَجَ مُصحِرا مُنفَرِدا، فأوحَى اللّه‏ُ إلَيهِ: يا داوودُ، مالِي أراكَ وَحدانِيّا ؟ فقالَ: إلهي اشتَدَّ الشَّوقُ مِنّي إلى لِقائكَ، وحالَ بَيني وبَينَ خَلقِكَ، فأوحَى اللّه‏ُ إلَيهِ: اِرجِعْ إلَيهِم ؛ فإنّكَ إن‏تَأتِني بِعَبدٍ آبِقٍ اُثْبِتْكَ في اللَّوحِ حَميداً.
3– It is narrated in Bihar al-Anwar: ‘Prophet David (AS) left for the desert by himself, so Allah revealed to him, ‘O David, why is it that I see you by yourself?’ He said, ‘O Allah, my yearning for meeting You has become extreme, and has become an obstruction between me and Your creation.’ So, Allah revealed to him, ‘Return to them, for if you bring me a runaway servant I will inscribe you in the Tablet as praised.’
[Bihar al-Anwar, v. 14, p. 40, no. 25]

4ـ رسولُ اللهِ‏ِ (صَلَّيَ اللهُ عَلَيهِ وَ آلِهِ) ـ لعليٍّ (عَلَيهِ الّسَلامُ) لَمّا بَعَثَهُ إلَى اليَمَنِ ـ: يا عليُّ، لا تُقاتِلَنَّ أحَداً حتّى تَدعُوَهُ، وايمُ اللّه‏ِ لَأن يَهدي اللّه‏ُ على يَدَيكَ رجُلاً خَيرٌ لَكَ مِمّا طَلَعَت علَيهِ الشَّمسُ وغَرَبَت، ولَكَ وَلاؤهُ يا عليُّ.
4– The Prophet (SAWA) said to Imam Ali (AS) when he sent him to Yemen, ‘O Ali, do not fight anyone without
[first] inviting them
[to Islam]. By Allah, that Allah should guide a person through your hands is better for you than everything that the sun rises and sets on, and you will have his allegiance, O Ali.’
[al-Kafi, v. 5, p. 28, no. 4]

5ـ رسولُ اللهِ (صَلَّيَ اللهُ عَلَيهِ وَ آلِهِ) ـ لرجُلٍ سألَهُ أن يُوصِيَهُ ـ: اُوصِيكَ أن لا تُشرِكَ باللّه‏ِ شَيئا ... وادْعُ النّاسَ إلَى الإسلامِ، واعلَمْ أنّ لكَ بكُلِّ مَن أجابَكَ عِتقَ رَقَبَةٍ مِن وُلدِ يَعقوبَ.
5– The Prophet (SAWA) said to a person asking him for advice, ‘I advise you not to associate anything with Allah….and call people to Islam, and know that for every person that is guided by you, you will get the reward of having freed a slave from the offspring of Jacob.’
[Wasael al-Shi`aah , v. 11, p. 448, no. 5]

اختِصاصُ الهِدايَةِ بِاللّه‏ِ / Guidance Being Exclusively from Allah

6ـ رسولُ اللهِ‏ِ (صَلَّيَ اللهُ عَلَيهِ وَ آلِهِ): قالَ اللّه‏ُ جلّ جلالُهُ: عِبادِي، كُلُّكُم ضالٌّ إلّا مَن هَدَيتُهُ، وكَلُّكُم فَقيرٌ إلّا مَن أغنَيتُهُ، وكُلُّكُم مُذنِبٌ إلّا مَن عَصَمتُهُ.
6– The Prophet (SAWA) said, ‘I was sent as a caller and a propagator, and I do not have
[the power] to guide anything of myself, and Satan was created to make
[people’s deeds] decorous
[to them], but he does not
[have the power to] lead anything astray.’
[Kanz al-`Ummal, no. 546]

7ـ رسولُ اللهِ (صَلَّيَ اللهُ عَلَيهِ وَ آلِهِ): بُعِثتُ داعِياً ومُبَلِّغاً ولَيسَ إلَيَّ مِن الهُدى شَيءٌ، وخُلِقَ إبليسُ مُزَيِّناً ولَيسَ إلَيهِ مِن الضَّلالَةِ شَيءٌ .
7– The Prophet (SAWA) said, ‘Allah Almighty said, ‘My servants, all of you are astray save he whom I have guided, and all of you are poor except for he whom I have enriched, and all of you are sinners except for he whom I protect from them.’
[Amali al-Saduq, p. 90, no. 1]

مَن يَهديهِمُ اللّه‏ُ / Those Whom Allah Guides

8ـ الإمامُ باقر (عَلَيهِ الّسَلامُ) ـ في كِتابِهِ إلى سَعدِ الخَير ـ: إنّ اللّه‏َ تباركَ وتعالى الحَليمُ العَليمُ، إنّما غَضَبُهُ على مَن لَم يَقبَلْ مِنهُ رِضاهُ، وإنّما يَمنَعُ مَن لَم يَقبَلْ مِنهُ عَطاهُ، وإنّما يُضِلُّ مَن لَم يَقبَلْ مِنهُ هُداهُ.
8– Imam al-Baqir (AS) said, ‘Allah, Blessed and most High, the Clement and all-Knowing, only becomes angry with those who do not accept His satisfaction, and He only prohibits those who do not accept His gifts. Verily, He only causes to go astray those who do not accept from Him His guidance.’
[al-Kafi, v. 8, p. 52, no. 16]

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